Thursday 1 December 2011

Poonkavu Temple...

          Poonkavu temple is located in Edakkad which is 11 KMs away from Kannur District of kerala. It is one among the traditional ‘Kavus’ in Kerala where ‘Theyyam’ is conducted twice in a year. Poonkavu temple is literally inside a green natural tent. Huge baniyan trees and other identified and unidentified species of plants decorates the greenary.  Whole temple is separately divided in to three portion. The Back ‘Kavu’ is where the main God ‘GURUKKANMAR ‘ setteled and watch the proceeding of evryone which includes the naughty Goddess ‘PARADEVATHA’, all other deities and all devotees.
        Poonkavu Temple is famous not only because of the number of theyyams but also the rituals performed in a routine basis. Usually theyyam starts in the Malayalam month ‘Kumbham’ mostly February 16th, 17th and 18th. It begins at the backside kavu. There in the backside, 4 Theyyams are there. ‘Elanguravan and Poothadi’, ‘Pambuthara’,’ Gurukkanmar’ and ‘Uchathira’. When the festival is on, entire village would be literally on. You would find positive energy everywhere. From the kids to the grant parents Theyyam in poonkavu means a lot. If it is toys and baloons motivates kids to hang out in the kavu, it is the search for peace, blessings in whatever endeavor motivates the other age groups. Guys like me had even prayed for not getting another 0.25 marks out of 100 in Mathematics.
        Gods and Godesses in Poonkavu temple had never let his or her devotees in a desert alone. Wherever they needed a push, It had been rightly provided.  Almost everybody in the village have to say some experience where they felt the presence of Gurukkanmar, Paradevatha and other Gods and Goddess in Poonkavu temple. I have been experiencing a lot of such. The approachability of the temple is famous not only in Edakkad but also everywhere. If you have a sorrow or kind of stuff, given you pay full concentration and belief, it would be washed away in shortest span of time. That is the power of the energy spreads in the territory.
         Al most all erespective of  religion, cast, creed comes here to offer prayers. All of a sudden you feel a sense of belonging. Rituals perfomed in the Kavu is believed to be years old and need to perform with zero defect. Otherwise, its believed that the personswho perfoms those would get adverse effect. Hence everything from the beginning to the end would be crystal clear.
          We all friends would be literally staying in the kavu for 2-3 days and equal nights, helping around, watching the proceedings and stuff like that. Nobody in the whole world would never dare to do anything against the temple. Many guys have tried to destroy, steal and other valuables from the kavu and failed miserably to do the same. Not only that, many of them had died in variety of accidents.
          Foreigners from UK, US etc. often visit the temple, when Theyyam is on. One Mr. Rozario from italy said “ We haven’t seen something like this before. This is energetic, Colorful and fantastic”.
          Last time I had my friend from Bangalore, Mr. Nikhilesh. He loved it like anything and he was telling me about the dark colors, richness and togetherness etc. Nikhilesh even told me that he would bring his friends next time.
         I invite all of you in the name of almighty for the Theyyam festival Which is gonna begin on February. For more information do mail me at :
 Thanks for your time.
Sharath Muthirakkal.

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