Sunday 11 December 2011

Jango in trouble - In the verge of losing his job...

           That very day Jango was truly excited. He was missing home for a long time and planned to take half day off to leave his home town by the afternoon train. He finished his daily routines in swift. Jango had to pack the whole room which is a total mess, inside two travel bags. He had done it too. Jango was about to lock the room. Fuck! He couldn’t find the lock and key which he kept on the table last night. He searched everywhere. Even in toilet. I don’t know you all are known to a proverb, Kuntham poyal, Kudathilum thappanam.. Poor Jango couldn’t find it anywhere. For the next 15 minutes Jango literally became a rat and ran every look end corner of the room. He had to go through the newspapers, waste papers, plastic covers which had been thrown all over. Finally he got the lock and key which was hanging against the wall and compressed against his bed. It didn’t take him too much to leave the place. Jango had his music on when he was in the bus and that song in ‘Spadikam’.. Ormakal… Ormakal.. was haunting him like anything.
                He reached his office on time. And felt the day so cool and fantastic. He knew that he had an appointment by 11’O’ Clock. And the place where he has to go to was just a stone throw away. Jango started reading a book and his manager came. You remember his manager eh?. That old man, who drink inside his cabin and spit all over the floor, Immediately the manager asked Jango , by what time is the appointment. He said by 11. His manager just murmured and left the scene. Jango wished he could hear his manager. When it was 10.40 his manager started literally barking at him for not going to meet the client. Jango tried to explain that the appointment  is by 11am. But all his efforts were in vein as his manager went on barking.  Jango didn’t mind it. Kurakkum patti kadikkilla ennanallo!!.  Who cares? He moved out immediately to the client’s place.
            He was there on time in client’s office on time. But the person he was supposed to meet went outside for some Poojas. Jango wondered why people do poojas by making someone wait. He told in the reception that he would meet the respective person in 40 minutes and left to his lodge. Jango wanted to wear his brand new woodlands shoes instead of the slippers he was wearing. Jango reached a traffic signal where he found out a straight bus which would take him to his lodge in 15 minutes. He ran like anything and almost reached the door. Fuck!! Green signal on! Jango jumped inside but the timing of his jump was wrong and he fell down on the road. No injurie!  Ishoye nee kaathu!!. But in a fraction of a second jango felt cool air brushing his inner thighs. He noticed some girls laughing at him. Jango looked at his united color of Benetton jeans. He couldn’t look at it again. It was torn. Like shit it was torn!!. Jango wanted to kill that bus driver, wanted squeeze that traffic operator who just in wrong time lit the green light, wanted to smack that sales man  in United color of Benetton showroom, who said him that the stitching of the jean is extra perfect. Like Sidin Vadukut wrote, Jango felt, as whole world slapped across his face and ran away laughing like Jagathi Sreekumar.
                     Jango had to catch up an auto to his lodge and he left the place after changing his dress and wearing woodlands. He headed to that client’s place only to find out that that person would be late for another 2 hours or so. Jango had a train leaving by 2.00pm, so he could not wait for that guy (Mother chood!) as it was almost 12.45pm. He rushed back to office and filled up the leave application form. Everything seemed to be fine till that moment except the ‘jean incident’. When he approached his manager, that bugger asked him to leave only on the next day. Jango couldn’t bear it. He wanted to place his manager’s head in that fax machine and fax it to the head office. He called the HR lady who had given him the posting letter and asked her what to do. She was an Aaaarthi pandaram !! She said she is going to have lunch. When some people get fire on their ass, somebody would be often there to laugh. Jango couldn’t wait. He called his General Manager to discuss the same. He said his GM that the unit manager is not giving him the permission to go home. Jango told him that he is a swamy and going Sabarimala on day after tomorrow. Then that bastard asked jango to leave office only in the evening and came back on day after tomorrow. Fucker might have thought Jango was planning to go sabarimala in Jet airways??
                        Then the manager asked Jango whether he has any interest to work with the same company. Jango said he didn’t say anything sort of that. Suddenly his GM asked him to resign and leave if he wants to take off for 3 days. By the time Jango lost his control and said his GM that, that particular company is not the last company for him and there are other companies across the world as well. He hung the call and chose to leave the messy place. His fellow worker also came along with Jango to have lunch. He advised Jango how to move a complaint, what should and should not be included, how the system works with the company etc. Jango felt as if his elder brother giving some valuable instructions. He loves that fellow so much. Jango finally left the place.
                   He may lose his job. But the last thing Jango wanted to happen would be working with the same manager. But Jango is still super cool. He knows what to do. He wants to teach that manager a lesson. If things are moving against his favor he would certainly resign from the company. Yet he loves the company and its culture. Only thing he hates is the work culture in his office and his manager’s dirty behavior. But Jango would miss that fellow worker, unbelievable, super cool brother.
                 This is not the end of the story. Later.. Later ;)

Thanks for your time.
Sharath Muthirakkal