Thursday 8 December 2011

Jango's workstation- Funny yet painful work experiences...

              Getting a campus placement was never in the wildest dreams of ‘Jango’, the main character in this story. He was in cloud 9 when he saw his photo along with other guys who got placed along with him in the college notice board. He tried pretending very cool. But Jango was jumping all over inside. He was excited even though he was not placed in Infoysis or kind or giants. He was truly happy even though he would get merely 11k in a month. After all jango was never thought himself crossing the line of MBA. But he had done it. He got placed in a well known Company which has got incorporated and grown inside Kerala itself. And Jango was truly excited, since the products of the company are super famous almost everywhere. Moreover he was excited to wear the tag of the company. He knew it would help him to get away from the Highway police. Jango would be one of the rare guys in Kerala who runs gearless scooter without license for more than 15 months, in an around 13000 kilometers, that too without being caught. No wonder why Highway police came into picture.
              Jango was initially asked to report in the head office of the company which was located in the next District. Jango and other new candidates had 9 days induction. Finally The D-Day came and they got posted in various branches. Jango’s friend got posted in Jango’s place. Jango received his order and ripped it open. Though Jango noticed a naughty smile on the HR lady’s face, he was not able to read anything out of it. Perhaps Jango was too busy opening the letter. Jango started reading. He felt whole the office spinning around him when he read the place where he got posted. It was 240 odd kilometers away. The place called ‘Golbadi’ in the neighborhood state.  Anyway Jango has decided to join on the given date.
                       Jango was on time there in the office. He was confused to see a flat with full of shattered products of the company he is going to work for. He thought it would be the dustiest place in India. Inviting high school students for excursion in such places would add to the popularity of the company. He met his manager, who was in his 50s and was at first sight looked decent and later on turned as real villain. Jango wondered even Keerikkadan jose would stand behind him. But his manager looked far better than Keerikkadan.
                      Second day at work Jango found out a terrible spelling mistake in the office. He found his manager spitting all over inside the office. Jango almost threw up. But hold it on and went outside immediately. When he discussed the same with his colleagues, he realized that they all are aware of it. One of the fellow employees even told him that, if the manager had got a chance he would shit all over the floor. Padachone pani palumo??  Jango couldn’t imagine it.

                            Jango found his co-worker washing his hand more than 5 times after coming back from his manager's cabin. Curious Jango enquired about it and ran out of office to laugh like hell. Jango stopped laughing only when a girl next door saw him laughing like an insane fellow. When he enquired about the hand washing incident, his co-worker said him that he had used the manager's computer and mouse for 5 minutes and never wanted to get admitted in the near by hospital.  'Adipoli.. adipoli...'
                             Third day was also eventful. When he entered the office it was stinking like hell. Jango sniffed as though a well trained police dog and found the smell. Alcohol!! That too low quality stuff. Huh, Jango was stunned again. On the same evening Jango was strolling back to his home and suddenly he remembered about the key which he kept on his table. He rushed back to the office. It was locked from inside. He knocked. Jango smelled something fishy inside. Manager opened the door and he found 2 half empty honey bee bottle and finished soda bottles along with pickles. His manager was not even able to stand properly. Jango couldn’t bear it and he literally ran out of the office. Had it be the Olympics 100 meter race, India would have got the Gold in the same event. Guess who would have been there in the history. Our jango.
                          It is not the end of the story. Lot to tell. Later... later ;)

Thanks for your time
Sharath Muthirakkal