Wednesday 12 June 2013


Setbacks are common in life. Neither you invite them nor it knocks
at your door. Its just the rule of the game called LIFE! Sometimes there would be a series of failure in whatever you do. Either you do a business or you do a job in a company, the story would be the same- FAILURE! Sometimes you may loose faith in GOD when such situation arises. But remember the old saying? " GOD often checks who all are still keeping faith in him when tides of difficulty rocking one's life".

I know one guy who had lot of setbacks in his life so far. In his early days he struggled with a skin disease. He looked really ugly with marks on his face and all over his body. Some of his friends used to make fun of him. But he withheld his faith in GOD and moved on. His faith paid off when he turned 15. No marks were found on him and his confidence boosted high. Another incident; He was an average student whose English language was the worst among the students across the globe. But he kept his faith in GOD and worked hard. Now he is handling the language in such a way that he is able to read any book in English and what amused me is that he is managing a blog of his own online!

When he became a teenager, no girls had chosen him for a relationship. He was upset. He used to imagine strolling with a girl locking hands. But his imagination never became reality. He believed in GOD. After 2 years he found it difficult managing his female friends! But everything mentioned so far was nothing when you compare what he faced after joining for a PG course.

He was all fun in winter and summer. But when Monsoon hit he fell depressed. It was something like a depression attached with a climatic shift. He stopped going college for months and used to sit in his room, watching gloomy movies of late 80's . But his faith in GOD was never decreased. After that he was all fun throughout the year. After his MBA he got campus placement and started working in a faraway city. He could not stand with managerial policies of the company and quit. But GOD never let him down. He got selected in another company and started working again. Again he quit his job Again GOD placed him somewhere. But when he quit that job he fell depressed and this time it was disturbing and lasted for good 3 months. But he never disbelieved his GOD. Finally he bounced back and started swimming against the tide.

After that he realized one of his passions and moved on with it. Now he is all fun. Now he is all energetic. 

One of his friends asked him ' Dude,imagine another setback in your life, what will you do?'

He answered back "AGAIN,THERE IS HOPE!"

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