Tuesday 8 May 2012

Few pages from the book 'BEIJING SE'!

2nd April 6, 2012 Monday

11.00 am

I woke up. Rushed to toilet and finished everything in a flash. I and Anderson had to go to the hotel where Philip sir is staying. We have to go for shopping. I made a mental note that, I would not spend money for the things I don’t really require. Soon I walked to the kitchen and prepared oatmeal and started having it in the dining room. Anderson told that he had it a while ago. Soon we left the flat locking it behind. We reached the hotel on time and met Philip sir.

11.15 am

We had to catch a bus to the shopping center which is located in the heart of the city. We got into bus in no time and I started watching the beautiful buildings once again.

11.30 am

Anderson told us that the bus had reached our destination and we got down. Philip sir asked us what we would have for lunch. On the way to that busy mall, we had to go pass an over bridge. Finally I found something in China which is similar to India. On the bridge there were small-small vendors who dealt in bangles, fruits, dolls, leather wallets etc. We reached near the mall and found KFC. Philip sir ordered spicy chicken. In China KFC serve spicy chicken which is not that crispy common KFC chicken. I too ordered the same. Anderson bought some rice, curry and pork cutlet. Yes in China KFC supply domestic food. I wondered when they will start supplying ‘Pazham pori’ in their outlets in Kerala. They would definitely stuff chicken inside, I thought.

12.10 pm

We came out after having lunch. My tummy was not full. It was not even half, let alone full. When we came out only, I started looking at the people moving around. Men dressed perfectly. But it seemed majority of the women out there were in different mood. For a moment I thought it was a beach where you find women wearing bikinis. But there is no sea near by Beijing, I recalled the map. Soon my eyes started looking at the half naked breasts of the women who moved around.  I never wanted to look at them. But you cannot walk closing your eyes. Yes believe me, everywhere the situation was the same. Majority of them were married. One is not supposed to look at married women’s breasts, but then they should have kept them at home!

At least they should have covered them.

12.20 pm

We reached inside that mega market. One could buy anything he wants from there, provided he has money. Philip sir wanted to buy some beer glasses, which he told us that would be given as gifts. I took a pack of cornflakes. Mr. P had bought some other glasses too. I found many small glasses you would see in Bar. But I didn’t have a Bar back home to buy a few of them!

1.30 pm

Philip sir paid the bill (including the cornflakes I bought) and we stepped out from the shopping center. I was happy to get inside the bus. All I wanted was that to reach home quickly to watch some movies, online. But as always God has different plans. We had to wait for the bus for 20 minutes and by the time when I and Anderson reached home, it was around 2.30pm

2.45 pm

I quickly opened the laptop and started watching the movie ‘Lion’ another Dileep movie. I am not a Dileep fan but one Dileep fan had once recommended me the same movie. It was Shamil who told me that the movie is a good one. Let me tell you one thing, I enjoyed the film very much.

7.00 pm

By seven I got ready to go out. Philip sir would be leaving tomorrow, early in the morning to India. So it would be the last dinner with him in Beijing for the time being. I Anderson started strolling to pick Philip sir from his hotel. It was freaking cold. Temperature was 4 degree centigrade. For an Indian who was coming from 35-40 degree centigrade it was unbearable. I suggested Anderson to shift the usual way to another one, where buildings are more. My plan was simple. I just wanted to escape from the cold wind. But Anderson was not ready to hear me and told that we would walk through the usual way. For the first time, I hated Anderson. After some time, he told me that ‘Jango, we should have gone through the way which you have suggested’. I gave him a look and understood that, inside his skull there is a truckload of shit instead of brains!

As Dileep did in Spanish Masala (A Malayalam movie), I also smiled at him and abused him in Malayalam. Anderson returned me a smile and thanked me!

7.15 pm

We met Philip sir in the lobby and stepped out of the hotel to have dinner. I and Philip sir suggested Anderson to find a nearest restaurant due to the heavy wind and freaking cold. Anderson said he knew a nearest restaurant and we followed him. Fucker made us walk for 20 minutes and we finally reached Anderson’s nearest restaurant’. Poor Philip sir and equally poor me had sighed and went inside.

7.40 pm

Anderson told us that it was the best restaurant and we would like all the dishes out there. When the waitress arrived with the menu card, with curiosity I too looked at it. Anderson ordered something and gave me the menu card. I had point out some dishes. Anderson told me that those were donkey dishes. I had shown him some other dishes but those were still donkey dishes. Then Anderson revealed that secret before us that, the restaurant is specialized in donkey meat. I wanted to kill the donkey which wore a trouser and shirt and sat near us and eat it. But I simply smiled at him. No Malayalam abuses that time. Philip sir was there no? I had ordered some items which were not donkey. We finished dinner around 8.50 and lef the place.

9.20 pm

We reached near Philip sir’s hotel. He would be leaving to India in the morning flight. I wished him a safe journey and he wished me a nice stay in Beijing till 21st of April. I wondered how nice it would be with a donkey like Anderson. We bid goodnight and I and Anderson left to home. On the way back Anderson was telling me something. I was least interested in him and agreed to him irrespective of the matters discussed.

9.35 pm

After reaching the apartment I changed in to the night dress and jumped on the bed and started thinking. I thought about the mighty artist, The God. If he is not an artist how would he create a character like Anderson and a donkey? Different species yet same intelligence!

Yawns.. Goodnight diary
Yours truly

Thanks for your time
Sharath Muthirakkal

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