Saturday 26 May 2012

Beijing se II (Few pages from the book Beijing Se!)

I don’t know whether I am a good writer or a bad writer.I have no other choice but write. These pages would take you to Beijing. If not all Beijing, some part of it with absolute realities. You could call it as my life. But I would call it miserable life.In Beijing I had all luxuries in the world but without Mom it was just a hell with all decorations of the mighty heaven. But like every average Indian I too had to burn my ass to make money to live a life. All the characters are fictitious. You may please go through the pages of Beijing Diary.

31st March 2012 Beijing, China 7.52 am Saturday

Shanghai – Beijing south train had pulled it’s brake exactly at 7.52 am at Beijing south station. The last stop of the train and my first destination to begin a new life was coincidently same. I stepped out of the train along with Philip Sir, Jacky Liu (My boss in China) and Benjamin our sales guy (who is such a nice guy). Trina went home without saying a word to us. But it didn’t bother me at all. I took a deep breath and inhaled whole Beijing inside me. I took another one. Then I realized how much I miss Poonkavu temple, how much I miss India, How Much I miss Kerala, How much I miss Kannur, How much I miss Home, How much I miss my room and bed, how much I miss sweet Malayalam melodies, how much I miss every little things back home, which I never knew existed. I missed every one back home as well. But I missed Mom more than anyone else.

8.00 am

Jacky went back home. I, Philip sir and Benjamin took a taxi and left the station. I couldn’t believe my eyes first, seeing the massive structures, designs and teenage girls wearing miniskirts. Those were too short in deed. I decided not to sleep. I wanted to see all the buildings and wished I could have more eyes. Since I had a sleepless night in the train, my brain switched on the sleep mode inside me.

8.25 am

We have reached near the hotel where Philip sir would stay for 3 days. I met Anderson out there and we greeted each other. We left to the apartment where I would stay in Beijing. Our flat was big enough for 3 families. But I came to know that only Anderson and his family stayed there. Anderson guided me to the room allotted for me. Oh Man I was shocked to see the room. Massive room, Antique bed and a tidy attached bathroom made me happy. I left the entire luggage there (Not in the toilet). In no time we left to office.

8.40 am

As Anderson opened the door of Akay Beijing, aroma of spicy curry powder embraced me. Interior was set in such a way that one would feel like ‘working’. I thought of Cochin office when I saw Akay, Cochin photographs on the wall. More I thought of Cochin unit, more faces flashed through my mind. Jomy Chettan, Rakesh Ettan, Jaison Chettan, Sam sir and the list went on and on.

8.50 am

I was just going through my mails and Jacky came to me and introduced rest of the staff in the office. I met Anny. She could speak English and she greeted me with a smile. I saw a good fellow worker inside Anny. Another girl was also there. I don’t remember her name. The only English word I heard from her for the whole day was ‘Hello’ which she told when I met her early in the morning.

12.30 pm

Lunch was ready. Anny invited me to the dining room. We all sat there and started eating. Wait, I should say we all sat down and they started eating. I was still playing with the chopstick. I wanted to kill that fellow who came with the crazy idea of using Chopstick and eat him with the chopstick. Anny understood the situation and gave me a spoon and a knife. But I told her that I would try with the Chopstick. Sports man in me was ready for a game. Soon I too joined the warriors and started battling. But it was the worst food I had in China since I reached there. I was left with no choice but eat. I felt like throwing it down. Somehow I managed the food and went out. It was really chill out side. Temperature was about 10 degree centigrade. I decided to start a bad habit which I tried and miserably failed in the 10th standard. Smoking!

Had I not charged my nicotine level in that atmosphere, I would have died there. I lit a cig and inhaled the smoke deep inside. But unlike years ago, I didn’t cough. After a cig, I felt warm inside and decided to quit smoking forever. A smoker’s pledge after all!

2.00 pm

I was back to work. Hence it was my first day I didn’t have much work to do. Jacky gave me some company’s websites. I just had to go through it carefully and identify the potentialities in them. Many friends came online in g-mail. I sent ‘hi’ to everyone. Few of them replied. Few didn’t. I assumed that they would be busy at work. At least that was what I wanted to believe. I missed all my friends as well. Sharon, Vyjesh ettan, Thayyib, Amir, Jithin and Shallu were the few of them I was missing very much.

5.30 Pm
Jacky dropped us in the hotel where Philip sir checked in in the morning. Philip sir went to change and I and Anderson waited him in the lobby.
5.45 pm
We were off to dinner. Yes, in China people take dinner so early that they could go bed early. No wonder why China is still number one in population. God damn they have all the time in the world for it!

6.00 pm
Anderson took us to a restaurant and ordered some dishes. Philip sir was suggesting him something. I sat down like an idiot and watched them. My knowledge in Chinese dishes was very limited. Noodles and chilly chicken were the only Chinese dishes I knew. In no time waiters started bringing all the dishes. I saw five unknown dishes on the table. Philip sir then told me that this is a custom in China that they would order dishes till there is no place left on the table for another one.

I wondered if the entire populations in China eats like this thrice a day, world would soon become a place there is no food left. We somehow finished it with a bottle of wine which contains 53% Alcohol and left the place. Chinese people don’t dilute the spirit. It was anyway nice to taste the spirit in it’s original form.

7.45 pm
Philip sir bid us goodnight and left to the hotel. I and Anderson bought a packet of oatmeal and a pack of milk and left to the apartment.

8.00 pm
We both reached the apartment. I bid goodnight to Anderson and took a shower. Then I started checking my mails and video chatting with someone who is damn important in my life.

9.30 pm
I don’t know what made me missed my Mom more than ever before and soon I realized it was raining inside me when it was quit chill outside the apartment. Soon the level of water raised and it became a flood inside. Over flowing water rushed through my eyes as if a dam had broken down completely. I cried loud calling out my mom in every nano second which has passed. I didn’t have much balance in my skype to call home and tell them to call me back. I logged in to g-mail. Luckily Jostna, a trustworthy friend of mine was online. I asked her to call my home and tell Mom to call me. She did it in no time and started consoling me as an elder sister. I have many cousin sisters who are elder to me. But none of them had ever showed a hint of caring in my whole life. I thanked Jostna once again and logged out from g-mail.

10.10 pm
Mom called. I didn’t tell her that I miss her so much. I thought why making important ones in your life so sad when you are thousands of miles away from them. I buried all the sorrows inside me. For the first time in my life I felt so content after burying them inside!

11.00 pm
I was lying on the bed and thinking about everyone back home. One picture stood there unmoved before my eyes. It was the picture of Poonkavu Temple. Soon the walls of my dreams started displaying each one of the Gods and Goddesses who have been protecting me from the evil forces. (Being an evil I seriously wonder why, still God is caring me like anything).

 1st April, 2012 Sunday

6.00 am

It was Anderson’s call which rattled my sleep. Bugger wanted me to accompany him for a morning walk. But I was very sleepy. Because the biological clock inside me was not yet set with the Chinese Standard Time. But I stood up and got ready for the fucking walk. On the way Anderson asked me in his broken English, “Jango, you Indians never do exercise no? “. I just wrote it correctly for your understanding my dear Diary. He asked something else. I wanted to tell him that, we play shuttle badminton every morning for 2 hours. But thought of explaining him what I said made me stop and I gave him a wry smile. It will take hours to make Anderson understood what I wanted to tell. Why take unnecessary risks early in the morning, I thought.

6.10 am

Both of us reached that park where Anderson stated some stretching, which even nursery kids would do without much difficulty. When I started stretching my own way, curious Anderson also started to copy my work. As long as it didn’t matter, I kept quit. After 30 minutes we decided to go back home.

6.45 am

After reaching home, I rushed to the toilet to finish all the basic routine one would do in the morning. When the warm water embraced my body, sleep went away somewhere.

7.15 am
I cooked milk and later applied it in oatmeal and had it. Anderson went a step ahead and added an egg in his bowl of oatmeal. After finishing it he told me that it was such a stupid thing adding egg in the oatmeal. I wanted to tell him that; there are only few things that he would do without stupidity. But I didn’t tell him and finished my oatmeal.

7.50 am
Jacky had asked us to go for an exhibition somewhere in Beijing city. Hence I and Anderson started our journey to the exhibition center in a bus. Unlike in India there is no conductor in buses in China. We had to swipe a card and they would take the money required.

8.20 am
We got down near a subway station. In subway station also the procedure was the same. The same card would help you to get in the train. We got in the train and it left the station exactly after 2 minutes. Chinese subway is just like Indian metro railway service. The train reached our destination in 5 minutes and we bored another train from that station. Anderson asked me to get down when we reached a massive station. It was really big. When we stepped outside I could see the big buildings, attractive designs and Porsche cars running all along the road.

9.00 am

We finally reached the location where agricultural exhibition was underway. We met Benjamin there and he told us that, the exhibition was not meant for us and we didn’t have ticket to check in. I was utterly disappointed hearing that. But I didn’t want to waste my time crying over there. As always I preferred to cry in the night. I asked Anderson to take few photographs. Anderson took a few lying over the floor as if a professional photographer. I thanked him and we three started our way back to office.

9.15 am

We decided to go back office by bus since bus journey would be appropriate for site seeing. When we were waiting for the bus, I came to know that in Beijing there is electric bus also. It is just similar to our electric train in India. Inside the bus I was so happy sitting by the window and seeing the mighty buildings around. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the Beijing Olympic Stadium in distance. One more building caught my attention. It was nothing but IBM’s office. It was designed in such a way that every single passenger would look at it and let out a WOW!

10.00 am

We reached office and settle with work. Wait, we reached office and they have become busy at work. I was just about to settle and Jacky called me. He wanted me to go through some more company websites to understand the potentialities in them. I came back to my cubicle and switched on my laptop. Soon I found myself engaged with checking my mails not the company websites that Jacky insisted. Sometimes I wonder why people insist something to others. Why can’t they leave people alone in their world and work according to their wish. Why people even restrict freedom. But soon I found myself checking those websites.

10.30 am
Philip Sir and Jacky went out to check few plants in Beijing. As they went out, I threw my hands up in the air and let a sigh. I didn’t know whether it was a sigh of relief or just another sigh!

But the worker in me was not ready to be lazy. I pushed hours checking some websites. Few of them were really interesting and some were quite boring. After finishing the so called ‘Website scanning’, I logged in yahoo messenger and g-mail to check whether some friends were online. Nobody was there with a green light on.

Sometimes if you want friends online, none of them would be there. Sometimes if you want none of them online and just want to be alone, all of them would be online and throwing Hi’s at you.

12.30 pm
When Trina called me for lunch, I pretended as if I didn’t hear her and started going through the websites as if I was searching for something important. Poor girl had to come to me and invite me at last. I shut down the system and went to have lunch. Before entering the dining room I prayed to God for not bringing the same food we had last day before my eyes. Luckily it was something else that I found on the table. We had food peacefully. I played around with chopsticks once again and created a mess all over the table. But nothing wrong in it, I thought. When you were kid you eat like that only. More food would be going out of your mouth initially. Then slowly you find the direction with your spoon or plain hand. I let a sigh and hoped one fine day I would also eat like these Chinese people with the stick.

2.00 pm
I went back to my cubicle and found some friends online. Luckily they were free and we started chatting. It went on and on. I had to stop it to start working on the websites. Some very interesting websites even displayed how to make some dishes. I watched them keenly with a thought of experimenting after reaching home. The thought of home once again shred few tears. I let them go.

5.30 pm
Jacky dropped us near to the hotel where Philip sir stayed. Philip sir went inside to check some mails and I and Anderson waited him in the lobby. It took around 20 minutes for Mr. P to come to the lobby and we strolled towards a restaurant. Anderson guided us through a beautiful park. Ancient Chinese houses, massive buildings, a beautiful lake, lake view hotel and many more things feasted my eyes. Soon we reached near a town and found few restaurants. Anderson selected one restaurant and told us that they serve good food. Then three went to a super market. Mr. P bought a Chinese wine and I told him I would have beer this time, not the wine. He bought me 2 bottles of beer. Then we searched for cornflakes and Philip sir bought me one oatmeal variety, which I could use for making Breakfast or dinner.

6.50 pm

We settled down in a restaurant and as always Anderson and Philip sir ordered something and poor me who didn’t even know the name of a single dish waited for them to arrive. In no time waiters started bringing the food on the table and soon the table became full. The good looking dishes tasted horrible and not so good looking tasted yummy. I enjoyed both. Diary you know how much I love food irrespective of the places and varieties. After finishing my 2 bottles beer and food I felt full. But Anderson bought me another bottle of beer, this time a bigger one and gave it to me. I had to drink it.

7.50 pm
We left the hotel and started walking back. Philip sir bid us bye when we reached near his hotel and I and Anderson walked alone to our apartment. We bought milk from the Wu-mart and left to home.

8.20 pm
I was tired when we entered inside the apartment. I took a shower came in front of the system to have a chat with someone important it went on till 10.30.

10.45 pm
Since we have 3 holidays at a stretch, I decided to watch a movie online. I watched CID.MOOSA, a Dileep movie which I had seen more than 5 times. But I thought of watching it again. It is nowhere written that watching a movie more than 5 times is a crime!

I decided to sleep.

Yawns and more yawns

Thanks For your time
Sharath Muthirakkal

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Few pages from the book 'BEIJING SE'!

2nd April 6, 2012 Monday

11.00 am

I woke up. Rushed to toilet and finished everything in a flash. I and Anderson had to go to the hotel where Philip sir is staying. We have to go for shopping. I made a mental note that, I would not spend money for the things I don’t really require. Soon I walked to the kitchen and prepared oatmeal and started having it in the dining room. Anderson told that he had it a while ago. Soon we left the flat locking it behind. We reached the hotel on time and met Philip sir.

11.15 am

We had to catch a bus to the shopping center which is located in the heart of the city. We got into bus in no time and I started watching the beautiful buildings once again.

11.30 am

Anderson told us that the bus had reached our destination and we got down. Philip sir asked us what we would have for lunch. On the way to that busy mall, we had to go pass an over bridge. Finally I found something in China which is similar to India. On the bridge there were small-small vendors who dealt in bangles, fruits, dolls, leather wallets etc. We reached near the mall and found KFC. Philip sir ordered spicy chicken. In China KFC serve spicy chicken which is not that crispy common KFC chicken. I too ordered the same. Anderson bought some rice, curry and pork cutlet. Yes in China KFC supply domestic food. I wondered when they will start supplying ‘Pazham pori’ in their outlets in Kerala. They would definitely stuff chicken inside, I thought.

12.10 pm

We came out after having lunch. My tummy was not full. It was not even half, let alone full. When we came out only, I started looking at the people moving around. Men dressed perfectly. But it seemed majority of the women out there were in different mood. For a moment I thought it was a beach where you find women wearing bikinis. But there is no sea near by Beijing, I recalled the map. Soon my eyes started looking at the half naked breasts of the women who moved around.  I never wanted to look at them. But you cannot walk closing your eyes. Yes believe me, everywhere the situation was the same. Majority of them were married. One is not supposed to look at married women’s breasts, but then they should have kept them at home!

At least they should have covered them.

12.20 pm

We reached inside that mega market. One could buy anything he wants from there, provided he has money. Philip sir wanted to buy some beer glasses, which he told us that would be given as gifts. I took a pack of cornflakes. Mr. P had bought some other glasses too. I found many small glasses you would see in Bar. But I didn’t have a Bar back home to buy a few of them!

1.30 pm

Philip sir paid the bill (including the cornflakes I bought) and we stepped out from the shopping center. I was happy to get inside the bus. All I wanted was that to reach home quickly to watch some movies, online. But as always God has different plans. We had to wait for the bus for 20 minutes and by the time when I and Anderson reached home, it was around 2.30pm

2.45 pm

I quickly opened the laptop and started watching the movie ‘Lion’ another Dileep movie. I am not a Dileep fan but one Dileep fan had once recommended me the same movie. It was Shamil who told me that the movie is a good one. Let me tell you one thing, I enjoyed the film very much.

7.00 pm

By seven I got ready to go out. Philip sir would be leaving tomorrow, early in the morning to India. So it would be the last dinner with him in Beijing for the time being. I Anderson started strolling to pick Philip sir from his hotel. It was freaking cold. Temperature was 4 degree centigrade. For an Indian who was coming from 35-40 degree centigrade it was unbearable. I suggested Anderson to shift the usual way to another one, where buildings are more. My plan was simple. I just wanted to escape from the cold wind. But Anderson was not ready to hear me and told that we would walk through the usual way. For the first time, I hated Anderson. After some time, he told me that ‘Jango, we should have gone through the way which you have suggested’. I gave him a look and understood that, inside his skull there is a truckload of shit instead of brains!

As Dileep did in Spanish Masala (A Malayalam movie), I also smiled at him and abused him in Malayalam. Anderson returned me a smile and thanked me!

7.15 pm

We met Philip sir in the lobby and stepped out of the hotel to have dinner. I and Philip sir suggested Anderson to find a nearest restaurant due to the heavy wind and freaking cold. Anderson said he knew a nearest restaurant and we followed him. Fucker made us walk for 20 minutes and we finally reached Anderson’s nearest restaurant’. Poor Philip sir and equally poor me had sighed and went inside.

7.40 pm

Anderson told us that it was the best restaurant and we would like all the dishes out there. When the waitress arrived with the menu card, with curiosity I too looked at it. Anderson ordered something and gave me the menu card. I had point out some dishes. Anderson told me that those were donkey dishes. I had shown him some other dishes but those were still donkey dishes. Then Anderson revealed that secret before us that, the restaurant is specialized in donkey meat. I wanted to kill the donkey which wore a trouser and shirt and sat near us and eat it. But I simply smiled at him. No Malayalam abuses that time. Philip sir was there no? I had ordered some items which were not donkey. We finished dinner around 8.50 and lef the place.

9.20 pm

We reached near Philip sir’s hotel. He would be leaving to India in the morning flight. I wished him a safe journey and he wished me a nice stay in Beijing till 21st of April. I wondered how nice it would be with a donkey like Anderson. We bid goodnight and I and Anderson left to home. On the way back Anderson was telling me something. I was least interested in him and agreed to him irrespective of the matters discussed.

9.35 pm

After reaching the apartment I changed in to the night dress and jumped on the bed and started thinking. I thought about the mighty artist, The God. If he is not an artist how would he create a character like Anderson and a donkey? Different species yet same intelligence!

Yawns.. Goodnight diary
Yours truly

Thanks for your time
Sharath Muthirakkal