Friday 7 October 2011

STEVE left JOBS :(

 HEAVEN IS BLESSED NOW  (A humble tribute to Steve Jobs)
              I don't think somebody in this world had ever made continuous impact on human life as Steve Jobs did. With a bitten apple Steve had been sweetly biting the hearts of zillions across the world. Mahathma Gandhi once told that his life is his message. When we put some more brain on that thought, we would not be surprised to find that  its common to everyone. But to me, apart form his life, Steve himself is a MESSAGE to all. Perhaps a mighty message. When I was in college [Under graduation], I hardly had heard about Steve. But I had to memorize his name as the founder of Apple, ever since we started going for business quiz and all during the MBA life. But Steve's name was one among the few which hung back in my memory during those days. Still I don't know the answer if you ask me why not others'? !!
          It took me another 5 months after joining MBA to google more about Apple. Still I was not very much aware of the man who later made one of my favorites in all trades. Had not my cousin presented me an apple iPod, I would not be doing anything to know about Steve and the company he has incorporated. Initial stage of googling stuck with downloading apple Safari, iTunes and later on the interest got shifted to the company and slowly yet lovingly to the great visionary and innovator of all time called STEVE JOBS !!
                       From there it has been a journey along with Steve and his innovations. Though I haven't bought any other Apple product, I could not miss Steve launching anything, perhaps I could not miss him presenting something, say a speech or kind of discussion and all. I loved the way he presented the things before the world. I watched him launching each possible product. Once, twice, thrice and I really don't know the count. Might have crossed 10 per a video. But the one which I would definitely cherishing and following again and again is nothing but his commencement address at The Stanford where he ended the talk with 'Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish'. Steve's discussion with Bill Gates is another one which has inspired me. All I want to say is that I enjoyed seeing him on the stage in that usual black jacket and the blue jean. When Steve started presenting something, I guess any lazy crowd in the world would want to listen him. That was STEVE, the one and only STEVE who always carried a JOB with his name as well as through out his life. 
               Once Steve had to get out of the company he incorporated and the management finally identified the value that Steve had and that inseparability brought back Steve again to the apple as its CEO. He had been fighting with Pancreatic Cancer and had to take 3 medical leaves to extend his life till he breathed his last breath at the age of 56.
                Steven. P. Jobs will be lived and relived through his innovations, products etc, as long as human race exists in the world. We all gonna miss you very badly Steve. As an innovator, as a Visionary, as a Leader and truly as an outstanding Human Being.
              Heaven is yet again blessed since you are there. Heard in stories that heaven is full of  flowers, fruits and all. Make Heaven a garden of apples and just BITE them all.
 'Rest In Peace'


  1. Many years from now he will be remembered on the same pedestal as Einstein is by us now. Just for your information, do read STAY HUNGRY STAY FOOLISH, a book by Rashmi bansal, Head of IIM B, Entrepreneurship Cell. It tells the stories of major Indian entrepreneurs who started Dosa King, etc. Very good reading.

  2. A REAL GENIOUS........ and did u see in a newspaper about this.. a person is asking that what did steve jobs do for me??????????????????? i was annoyed seeing dat..... anyways,.... let his soul rest in peace
