Tuesday 21 June 2016


Muthirakkal Sharat
CEO in making
!#th JUNE @)!^


At least he should be responding to calls no Ma’am?
I was wondering what sort of guy is this ‘Ashish- The senior Fashion Designer’. Finally we met at his office and booked a cab and was on the way to a vendor, I was sleeping avoiding conversation with him. He was making random calls and speaking to almost everybody in Bangalore!
I woke up at a  shout and it was Ashish shouting to someone. I could here the other one on line pretty clear and it was nothing but that ‘Useless Fashion Director- Erappali Bengali Shweta something. Her second name is something like “Trouseril Thoori”. LOL!!!! 
She was shouting at him that she gonna teach him a lesson or something. At least tech us how to pronouns your name Madam. Joke are part. Seems Shweta had asked to do something beyond Ashish’s job profile and when he asked about the same she got irritated and started shouting, “Vellathi atta Bali pole” Ashish was ignoring her, After finishing out first business negotiation together we were about to leave the premises of ‘Apsara Silks’, Ashish said something which is gonna turn the lives of at least 20 of us, 
“Aliya, Nammakk onn thudsngiyala??”
After that moment I could witness the changes in colour combinations of the picture called LIFE.
The day is still the Second Best Day of my life and the first one is always the March #)th when we both started walking together. 

Thursday 19 May 2016


Dear Sir

It was with a deep sense of pride and anticipation I took up the post of Marketing Executive in AIMS. As you are well aware, I have left no stone unturned in discharging my duties to the best of my ability.

I have been very quick in adapting to the system and have already proved my ability with the detailed and precise reports I have been sending and the promptness of the follow up action  based on feedback from my superiors. Three patients already being referred is a proof my skills.

I have also been a part of 3 CME which have been organized and conducted successfully. Throughout my tenure in this great organisation, I have never worked with an eye on the clock. My working hours have even stretched to way beyond 1.30 at night when I had to book and re book tickets spending for transportation from my own pocket. It can  kindly be noted that I have till date not claimed for any expenses made by me.

I am however deeply pained that my sincere efforts are not being recognised and felt that it is high time I express my grievances over certain incidents. I was belittled when I was chided for not having a personal vehicle in Cochin. It could be noted that this was not cited as a requirement during my interview nor has the absence of this influenced my work. Adding insult to injury was the incident when I was asked by....... 'pulinguru aano enni tharunne' - a statement uncalled for  and in my humble perception an unprofessional phrase.

I had joined AIMS with the hope of a great career and I am greatly disappointed with the treatment meted out to me.

Please go through the rest of the body of the mail.

Dear Dr. Prem Nair Sir

I, Sarath M (Id:23336), Lecturer- AHS joined Amrita on 8th March 2016 and have been working, learning, unlearning throughout till today morning 10.23 to be specific. I met Ms. Saraswati at your office and given her hint of this mail. Sir, I guess I have a strong case to take to Human Rights and Labour Court. 

Ever since I started working, I have been receiving International patients, delegates and health related personnel from Airport and co-ordinating their activities, ticket booking and all related stuff though it was not a part of my job. I had even gone to Ernakulam North Railway station to cancel the tickets of 2 Male delegates at around 1.30 in the morning. And on the next day I had to go to South Railway station to rebook for them to Trivandrum. After checking with the railway people I was returning back to Amrita and all the unprofessionalism broke down on my shoulders and I had to take a 'U' turn back to Railway station as instructed by Mr. Nitin Gopal, ADGM Marketing, AIMS. I had to pay around 2000 bucks for that cab person.

I never denied to do anything. Being the signed job or any other job including a waiters job like, buying a stamp paper from a shop which is 2 kms away from AIMS where you just needed to be peddler. Sir never in my life I had a skin related issue. Being out in the hot sun of the summer, I had a major issue with my skin which has got burned and was giving severe pain and itching sensation simultaneously. I had taken leave for 2 days and that leave form is still flying around the AIMS building. Yet to reach with Medical HR. And for the same you cut my 2 days salary. That was not my mistake. And when enquired, I got a very casual reply from the ADGM that, you submit another form. And there is something positive about the AIMS is only the Medical HR. They are cool. I should admit it. I liked the dealings with them. 

And Sir, I am still struggling with my skin related issue. When I came down last Monday, Mr. Prasad wanted me to accompany him for handing over the invitations to doctors in Kodungallur. I told him we will go by a cab and he told me that its a narrow way and had to go by bike. After 12 Noon I was behind his bike and were moving to Kodungallur. Since I had woke up at 3 in the morning to catch the Shadabdi train I was dozing off and hitting Mr. Prasad when it was too much the heat and direct sun. Then Mr. Prasad said, AIMS can't arrange BENZ for you to travel. Sir, we don't want Benz by AIMS, at least you could have permitted me to take a cab. When I reached Kodungalluer I was half alive but finished all the work and returned in a bus which made me reach Ernakulam around 7 in the evening. 

Yesterday that is on 10-05-2016, we had a marketing review meeting at Mr. Nitin's cabin. I was insulted to the core by the manager for not having a personal car/vehicle in Ernakulam. Sir I have this genuine doubt, You are heading all of AIMS and you move across India, do you have your personal cars ready in each and every places you go and work. There I realised the amount of brain which works in people's skull is sometimes too minimal. Yesterday also I was working in Kodungalluer handing over the CME invitations. Kodungalluer is Mr. Prasad's region and I was just helping him. And I had to be idle for 5 hours till Prasad and Dr. Gopalakrishnan turned up around 8.30 at night to the IMA hall. 

I was talking to the dermatologist from kannur over phone when CME was underway. I was really struggling with the skin as I was exposed totally last day out in sun. Then Mr. Prasad asked me to get the doctors our CME register and as usual I had given them and all of them were scribbling their names and when this exercise was on the way around 7 doctors joined late and got settled at the back. By the time CME register was moving in the centre of the hall and they missed their first chance to fill in. 

Then after seeing 27 entries and while counted it was 34 Mr. Prasad literally barked at me in front of all these dignified doctors and asked to check my professionalism. I wonder what sort of an emotional bursting was that. 

And today I was called to Mr. Nitin's cabin and was harassed to the max. Sir Mr. Prasad asked whether I am getting "PULINGURU" for my work. Being a professional worked international I know where are the lines of professionalism lying down and where are not. Sir, Mr. Nithin then jokingly said, I need to get my raincoats, specs, jackets etc ready for rains and if I want umbrella he can get one and all. I seriously feels like laughing even though I am broke like hell, why people like you keeping umbrella sellers on the revenue generating machine called Marketing. 

Sir I had met a doctor. Yes, just a doctor to get a feedback related to a conference she asked for and I am sitting in a Cafe coffee day and writing this mail expecting a transfer to Bangalore. Sir with better people I promise you that, I can get many angry patients back on AIMS track and do wonders. 

Sir being a writer, I am working on a book which has just passed 100 pages and I want my name associated with AIMS when it is getting published in 8 months time. I guarantee you that the book is gonna be a different theme. And who knows what sort of publicity a nice book can get for an Institute. 

Sir you might not have seen my profile at all. Please find sometime for checking the URLs shared below. And I don't want to miss AIMS to miss the most exciting person and a nice human being. I am the guy who spare 30% of my salary for charity every month. And I want you to keep it with you. I don't want any publicity out of it. 

I had represented my colleges when I was doing my PG and UGs in Badminton and Tennis and was a Champion once in a team event. 

Sir, I believe that, you can see a person like me in more than 5 million scores. I want to be with AIMS. And I really don't want to take it to Human rights and Labour authorities which may disturb my seniors employment and could effect the image of AIMS in the Job Market. Let me tell you Sir, People are joining with us to have this super valid experience certificate of AIMS, majority of them are less satisfied and coursing us. Lets change sir. 

Mr. Nitin Gopal had put my call on reject list for 4 days, So I could not discuss anything with him, And When I addressed the issue with Babu Swamy he asked me to leave after resigning. 

Hope you reply back. 

Thanking you

Best Regards

Sarath M
Id Num: 23336
Lecturer- AHS


Wednesday 20 May 2015


Each relationship has got at least one story to tell.
You have every right to disagree. But I am a firm believer of what I have stated. Some relations happen accidentally and some others are man made. Later is always scripted, consciously crafted. You know the intensity of each and every emotions which would have been exchanged by those who builds these kind of relationships. 

But the former is always cute, lusty and thrilling. There is always a suspense element in it. Because it was never a chosen one. It had just happened. You have got every emotions loaded in it. You may travel from one end of an emotion to another as if you are that kid who have just learned how to walk. You explore possibilities and at the end you will be never bored.
As time passes away, so called accidental 
relationships might also turned a bit of man made. But as someone whom have enjoyed the beauty of something to the core, the parties involved in it would comes up always with something new again and again. You live, cherish and rejoice in what you do. Because it was just accidental and you have been making it cute ever since you have started.

Life has drifted so beautifully. we are just enjoying the ride. Many of you might not be in a position to locate the head or tail of this post. But for the one I have wrote this, would be extremely happy. 

Thank you

Wednesday 4 February 2015


He had a best friend. He still has a best friend. I agree with your thought that, both are different. This short story tries to explore how the title 'Best friend' shifted from one person to another and the explosions happened in his already hurt mind.

Disclaimer: All the characters in the story are fictitious and if you feel any resemblance with the living or dead, its purely coincidence. 

Meeting people, getting close with many of them and at last getting hurt was not something unusual for Sidharth. He moved on after every setback with lots and lots of hopes. Sidharth met Roshan when he joined St. Jones college Bangalore in the year of 2003. Being a guy whose parents were in State government service, Sidharth's exposure to the branded world was limited those days. Contrast to that Roshan being the son of an NRI was never out of brands when it comes to clothes, accessories and rest of the things. Yet they became close and became thick. 

As years went by They reduced the gaps between them so did both the families. Roshan has a younger sister, whom had been considered by an own sister by Sidharth. Sidharth and Roshan used to stay at each other's home and study together, watch porn together and did whatever the youngsters do at that age. After degree Sidharth joined for his M tech in a local college and Roshan went to Canada for his higher studies. Sidharth used to visit Roshan's house as Roshan and his Dad was away. Sidharth had never seen Roshan's mother as an aunt. For him she was just like his own mother.

Time went by and Sidharth got placed in a reputed company in Chennai. Whenever he came home, He visited Roshan's house and brought sweets for his little sister and Mom. Roshan came back after his course and decided to marry the girl with whom he had an affair. They fixed the marriage and Roshan went back to Canada. Sidharth meanwhile was jumping from one job to another, from one country to another just like a young monkey. 

As years went by the bondage between Roshan and Sidharth reached new hights. So was the case with both the families. Whoever asked Sidharth, who was his best friend, Sidharth was ready with one and only answer and it was 'ROSHAN'. To be very frank, Sidharth was blind on others who had taken care of him. Among them there was a guy names 'Shamnad'. Sidharth had never seen him as a best friend. But the guy was sincere and always taken care of Sidharth unconditionally. 

Soon Roshan got married and settled in Dubai. Again his mom and sister became alone at home. Sidharth visited them frequently, mostly in the evening after his work. For him it was just like visiting his own Mom and Sister. But society has always the 'Devil's eyes'. Somebody called Roshan's dad and indicated very badly about Sidharth's visits and Roshan's dad called Roshan and blasted at him. Roshan called one of his friends and given a blueprint about the incident. That friend was a close friend of Sidharth and he shared what he understood from Roshan. 

Sidharth started connecting the dots. He had noted the difference in the behavior of Roshan's mom and sister when he visited them last couple of times. One day after X Mas he went with X mas cake and Roshan's Mom received the same at the gate and not even invited Sidharth for a coffee. Sidharth was just frozen there. After that evening, It was hunting him. He was sad not because the society had a different perception, but because Roshan and his family digested the society's belief. Sidharth tried everything to get away from it. But nothing happened. As he tried to forget, it multiplied in times of thousands and his thoughts got carried away most of the time.

One evening, he was riding his bike and was about to meet one client. He was thinking about Roshan, His family, Those beautiful days, laughter they laughed. His eyes became wet and his vision got blurred. and when he was awake he was in Operation theater and was just escaped from a major bike accident. There he realized the value of Shamnad and he slowly realized the value of sincerity over fake compliments. 

Now Sidharth is alive. Now he has a better picture about friendship and he had no second thought of changing his best friend. Because your best friend will never allow society to judge you. For that matter he will never JUDGE you 

Thanks for your time

For Sidharth

Sharath Muthirakkal

Sunday 17 November 2013

The UNPAID Senior Executive-Sales and Marketing (Part I)

Disclaimer: If you find any character in the story similar to anyone in real life, I would
be really happy because it was purely intentional.

When you go through the story you might come up with two questions. Like;
1.     Am I mad? – Ans: Truly I am .
2.     Drunk?      - Ans: No. SOBER 100%

Hi everyone. This is Sidharath here. I have shifted to Cochin from Bangalore last month and joined with a reputed news channel as Senior Executive-Sales and Marketing. Training given to the newly joined group was fair enough. As you know a marketing executive whether he/she is ‘Senior’ or ‘junior’ has to run across the territory like a horse and bring business. I was truly excited. Let me introduce our team first. We are a team of three. Our Manager (Mr. Alex Kuruvila) was an ex employee of a domestic channel. Assistant Manager (Mr. Mintu Varghese) was working with a leading national daily and yours’ truly Sidharth, Senior Executive Sales and Marketing. [Well had worked in many places ;-) ]

Mr. Alex who possesses good knowledge about the Cochin market had taken me and Mintu along with him for first two weeks, so that we could get introduced with Ad-Agencies and major clients. Dear people, I was shocked at the first agency visit itself. We reached an agency and got a decent reception. We were all welcomed to the Manager’s cabin. That manager was a friend of Alex and they had a casual chat. Then Mr. Mintu introduced himself to the manager. I couldn't shut my mouth till he stopped since he started. Mintu changed his accent and became some Anglo Indian and acted as if he was some James Bond from the 007 movie. When he finished I was about to say, ‘Hi, this is Sidharth’ but I was stopped by Mintu and he went along, ‘this is Sidharth. He is from Bangalore and other bla bla bla about me. I was taken aback and mentally shown the middle finger to the Chuttiya. It was not for the last time. Everywhere same thing happened. I wondered what that mother fucker wanted to convey by introducing me as if I was dumb!

After two weeks we have started going out alone. I was thrilled because I knew at least I could get introduced myself to someone. Days went by. I was pushing and pushing hard to get the first Release Order (RO) but the response from market was disappointing. One month passed by. No sign of salary!

There is another interesting thing about these managers, Alex and Mintu. These buggers have a wrong understanding about ‘Commitment’! They believes that staying long in the office is commitment. Usually I finish my work around 6 Pm and shutdown my system. Then Mr.Alex would ask me to show some commitment. Sometimes I wanted to ask ‘Should I drop my underwear and show you my fucking commitment’. (Having said that, please don't assume on that  I was in my underwear alone!). But I always chose to sit there to watch those morons. Reason why I wanted to go my room was very simple. I don’t have a family or a servant there at home. I have to wash my clothes and cook my food. Reaching there at 10.30Pm and doing all the above mentioned things would be a herculean task for someone who had ran all across Cochin for a day. And I seriously believe that you should have at least thirty minutes a day for your leisure. At least one track of AR Rahman a day! That too was fucking denied.

Do Smart work idiots. It is not about the time. It is about result, efficiency and effectiveness!  (Wah...Wah...Wah...Look who is giving such a gyan!)

One month and fifteen days passed by. Salary status remained unchanged. Mr. Alex and Mr.Mintu had never asked me about the salary. But one day after 20th of the second month Mr.Mintu asked me whether I had got my salary credited. I said NO and in reply he said it would take another couple of days and he is also really struggling. I wanted to rub Mintu’s face on that Kalamassery road when I heard from other source, that salary has already been paid to the Managers and Assistant Managers. (I wanted to scream at him 'CHUTTTTIYAAAAA' but always chose to smile at his ugliness)

On 25th of the same month, I got a mail from the General Manager Marketing. When I saw the subject of the mail as ‘YOUR SALARY’, I was thrilled!

But it is not everyday you get a mail from your boss congratulating you for ‘not asking’ the salary of almost two months. I seriously wonder how they rate the reasoning level of MBA graduates of the country!

I mean how she could think that people would be encouraged after opening that mail. It was obvious that she was intentionally sweetening the words and trying to attach some fake sincerity. She might have thought it would reason those guys who have not paid for almost 2 months. But SIDHARTH is definitely out of that box!

They make you work, round a clock. You expect them to pay overtime. Now I have no such luxurious dreams. When I signed the contract with them I even had no idea that ‘Senior Executive- Sales and Marketing’ is a synonym for the word ‘SLAVE’!

Thanks for your time
For Sidharath
Sharath Muthirakkal

Monday 22 July 2013


All the characters in the story are real. If you find any resemblance
with someone you know that is purely intentional and no regrets!

One thing I want to make it clear before I start- I am not drunk!

Life is such an interesting tale. Sometimes it makes you happy and brings all the joy in the world. Sometimes it simply fuck you! I was a destiny's believer. So when good things happened in life I used to boast my brilliance and whenever ulta happened I could always blame 'destiny'.

About the jobs I quit. I didn't want to lose all the jobs I lost recently. My expectations and the nature of the jobs I had to do was not at all matching. Hence I opted to quit.  

And when I had no job my lover inboxed me this text; " Sidharth, See now you have no job. My parents are never gonna like you. And you proved that you are useless. Please don't call me or text me. We are through!". I didn't say anything but after that there was no SMSs or calls from her. I never knew that she loved my job. Slowly I understood that I was brutally fucked. Not fucked, Raped!

Parents said, You should not have resigned. I kept quiet. I knew they are sincere and worried about their Son's future. 

But there are some relatives, They would simply ask those questions you never wanted to be asked in a public place. Whenever they meet you, irrespective of the places, occasions they shoot those questions. It may be a wedding reception, A funeral, A party night. Thing is that they knew you have no job and you are totally fucked up. But they want to do others a favor. Wonder what favor? They also want others to know that you are fucked up! Sadistic but social service indeed.

Now everyone out there knew that you are a loser. Someone may laugh as if they watched a comedy show. Someone will come to you and advice you. Most of the advices would be like; ' Dude you were wrong there, What the hell you have done there, You could have just hanged  there etc. Someone will even offer a job too. They will tell " Dude see next time when you meet me online I will get you my e-mail id do send your CV we will see". You will be expecting a lot from the last guy and next time when you see him online you will say 'Hi' and the bugger at the other end simply logout and go or else he will turn of the chat.
But there you learn a lesson. Next time onward you will not listen to such bullshits. 

I was shocked when one of my female cousins turned her face away when she saw me standing near a shop, smiling at her. I had seen one of my relatives warning a kid that, don't go near him, as if I was a cannibal!

But I know there is something in the store! Thats what pushing me!

For Sidharth

His Best Friend

Sharath Muthirakkal.

Thanks for your time guys!

Tuesday 2 July 2013


Once again he looked in the mirror. He checked himself
smiling and nodded. After losing his 6th job he never managed to bring that natural smile on his face. But today, he was determined to bring back the lost smile. His cousin sister’s wedding reception was just a couple of hours away and he knew that his juniors would be there, relatives would be there. He didn’t want to look like a buffoon in front of them. Somehow he managed to smile. Let me put it in other way; somehow he managed a fake smile on his face and decided to move to the auditorium.

He wore denim and a black shirt. After losing his last job he has managed to reduce his weight. He became lean. He didn’t shave and went with a beard which was telling everyone watching him that, he was not alright. Yet he thought that, the fake smile would cover up everything. He reached the venue half past 7 and got a warm reception. He smiled and moved on. But one of his relatives asked him straight away “Dude you lost the job as well right, ha ha ha , now you are gone man”!. Suddenly the smile on his face faded away and he left the scene in seconds.

He bumped on Rani Aunty whose son is settled in US of America after his MBA and Daughter working in Wipro, Bangalore after her B-Tech. It was like escaping from a lion’s den and entering straight into the leopard’s mouth. Rani Aunty was excited seeing him

“Arey Sidharth Bhetta… How are you? Oh I am sorry, You lost that job too na?. Now you must think a lot before going to join somewhere. See your Cousin Rohan is performing well and was the best performer Award winner for the previous month too. You should chat with him when he comes online. He will give some tips to you, which would help you find out some good jobs”. [Sidharth had stopped contacting Rohan since he started talking about dollars and global marketing terms]. Sidharth nodded and walked away from Rani Aunty.

He met Tinu, his cousin whose marriage reception was underway and about to leave to the food court. Then one familiar voice called him and he looked back. It was Rwitika his Ex-Girlfriend. Rwitika and Tinu were classmates from school and Sidharth wished to die there. He cleared his throat and returned a cold ‘Hi’ and about to leave. But Rwitika came forward and stood in front of Sidharth, blocking his way.
Rwitika: Dude heard that you lost that job as well. When you gonna be consistent man? Show some maturity. At least think about your future no?

[She was the girl once loved Sidharth’s immaturity, Childishness and what not!]

Sidharth: Rwitika, leave me alone. I know what to do. He left the food court without eating and rushed to his motorcycle and left the auditorium.

He drove his bike to the beachside BAR and settled with a half bottle whiskey. He tried to relive in all scenes. He thought about his first job, second job, third job, fourth job, fifth job and the last one. He thought about that uncle whom he met first at the wedding reception in the evening. He thought about Rani Aunty, Her Son Rohan and finally thought about Rwitika and her sarcastic statement. Then he pulled himself and locked inside the toilet. He looked in the mirror. Started counting…One…two…three…and he saw the smile coming on his face and that was what he needed. He laughed loud and drove back home, Drunk and with a smile on his face!