Thursday 15 September 2011

Funny yet noisy Bus conductor to the could be 23 year old 'KG' girl ( One among the memorable days)

Hi guys,
Hope you all are doing good.

I don't have any shame to admit that I am narrating this incident as Mr.Sidin Vadukut did in his lovely book DORK.
Any journey is always an experience :)
I would be narrating the story as though I am conversing with my personal diary.

7September 2011, Wednesday


              I was really happy to wake up when alarm rang exactly at 7am, as I could leave Coimbatore today evening for Onam holidays and an extended leave which I got sanctioned for appearing last semester MBA examinations. I was in a hurry to finish my bath, brushing and other remaining daily routine to make sure that I was not missing the only bus which would leave around 8.15 am from the near by bus stop. It was when I was about to finish brushing, my brush slipped off from my hand and fell directly into the closet. Yes Dairy I had to press the flush button to make sure that there was no sign of the little expensive brush that I had bought few days back.  A brush costed me almost hundred bucks had to be dumped in the wrong place!. Next thing I had to make sure was that am not missing anything starting from all the clothes to the laptop charger. Soon I locked my room with an heavy luggage over my shoulders and strolled slowly towards the bus stop.


                   When I reached the bus stop I had realized that there is sometime left to have a coffee. Dear Diary, I had found one bakery serving good double strong coffee, despite of its not so good attire. Besides, the staff who served whatever you asked for were really polite.
            Diary, I don't think they had ever attended a marketing or customer relationship sessions in their life. It took no time for me to change the entire impression I had on that shop when the owner of the bakery introduced himself to me. He asked me about my native. When he heard that I am actually from kerala, he started blaming the Tamilians and the ruling government and the ex government and what not. When he came to know that I was doing my MBA from Chinmaya from Kannur [A district in Kerala], he boasted of the qualities of IIPM [ Indian Institute of Planning and Management], and how it is different from all other B-Schools in India. He slammed IIMs too. I stood there wondering why the hell he was telling me all the IIPM stories. I would be the last person to repeat an MBA if not its from any of the IIMs [ Diary, sorry for taking this much liberty to have a ride on a dream which is 99.99 % impossible to happen],if he was trying to canvas me to join IIPM. The reason behind the promotional speech he had freely given to me had revealed soon , that his son was studying in IIPM Bangalore. I had to bid him bye to head to the bus stop. When I was waiting for the bus to arrive, I thought, Mr. Arindham Choudhary truly deserve an appreciation for making the Brand IIPM successful. Yet I hoped the owner's son would discuss with his dad about IIMs soon if not about all the Management Institutes across the country.


           Wow Diary Finally the wait was over. '43-A' [ In Tamil Nadu, if you are a newcomer, you should be either able to read Tamil or known to the various numbers allotted to the buses going to the different destinations] has arrived at the stop, where more than 60 including me were waiting to be got in. That 60 included, School children, College students, Men and women of all ages, drunkards [ Yes Diary, I could smell it !]. I have already recognized the bus conductor as I had gone office in the same bus yesterday. Diary, believe me, he is a character. You should have been there to watch him. He make variety of faces. In my close examination I have observed that, he could make different faces at different people. He is anyway funny to watch, provided you get a seat to settle down in an over crowded bus like 43-A. Before he started collecting the ticket charges it self, I was ready with a 2 Rs coin which he has charged me last day. Even while he was collecting the ticket charges, he was shouting at odd school boys for carrying school bags. I wondered what else would they take to school, cement sacks?? !!. Jokes are part Diary, finally our hero reached near me and asked  'yenge? ['where?']. I gave him 2 Rs and told him the destination where I wanted to get down. He immediately started scolding me for not giving him Rs 3. As I haven't had any other coins left with me, I gave him a 10 Rupee note to save the situation. I was still wondering about the difference in the fare which has got changed in a days time. Our man was busy creating one scene after the other with other passengers as well. One of the guys even pulled his collar and abused him badly. But our hero was defending single-handedly. And of course I could bet with my all money that nobody in that bus would ever defeat him in such an abusive debates. [ I know you would be wondering how did I know that was an abuse, simple Diary

9.00 am
             Reached Coimbatore town around 9 Am. Went straight to the Sriram's Sangeetha Veg restaurant and had Plain Dosa and another Coffee. I don't know whether the attitude of the bakery owner at the bus stop had made me feel Sriram's Coffee tastier than the one I had it earlier from his shop. Nice food, Nice service. It was 9.20 when I was stepping out from Sreeram. I started walking slowly to my office as it was just 2 mins away.


           I was the first one to reach office and had to collect keys from my manager's flat which was at the other end of the office. Manager was on leave today. Diary that means you have lot of other works on hand. Gone are the days you happily wear a T-Shirt which carries messages such as, 'I work when My boss is Near' . Believe me Diary, it's really hectic if your Manager is on leave. But through out the day till lunch I must say that, I had enjoyed multitasking.  Diary, you must have been there to believe that I was talking to our major clients as well as some agencies. It was around 3pm Mr. Sreekumar, our Reporter came to me and asked, whether I had any plan to have lunch. Then only I have realized that we had been really working hard.


           We quickly came out and had veg thali at Sreeram though it was touch expensive. Diary, to be very frank, if I had a peg or two, the 80Rs meals would have been really worthy. Mr. Sreekumar advised me to take the ticket in advance for the evening train as it could be very rush by that time. I thanked him and bid him bye and went to take the ticket. I could see the crowd building up slowly as evening arrives. I quickly took my ticket and rushed back to office. On the way back to office I didn't forget to buy some sweets for home which I bought it in swift.


           It took me an hour to reach back to the office after lunch. But I was relaxed at the fact that my Manager was not there. See Diary, sometimes you may wanted him to take leave as well. BUT SURELY,'SOMETIMES' !!. Soon I found myself busy with work. I had to bid bye to everyone in the office at 4.30pm sharp as my train would be leaving the station at 4.40pm.


             I was really happy to get into the train despite of the rushes and noises. Soon my happiness went away when I saw the overcrowded train. It was a passenger train heading to Trissur from Coimbatore. Which means I had to catch up a connection train at Shornur Junction. Finally I managed to get some space to sit down and soon I was off to sleep.
" Chai... Chai.. Chai....Parippu vadai, chai.."
It was the screams of the railway caters which had awaken me. I looked outside and realized that it was a busy station and felt really nervous to know where the hell was it? Soon when the sleep went away over a coffee, I understood that it was Palakkad Junction. It meant another hour of journey to Shornur Junction. But the one hour passed away as the nature out side completely carved away my attention. Finally Trissur passenger has reached Shornur Juncntion 3d platform. When I reached there a confused looking guy asked me in which platform the Executive express would be coming. Poor guy didn't know I was even stuck with the same doubt. Soon came the irritating railway announcement, that the train would be reaching shortly in the 4th platform. That guy's name was Alok, who was returning to his hometown, Calicut after visiting his friends in Palakkad. When we reached at the 4th platform, we were wonder struck. Diary, It was more and more passengers waiting for the same train. I told Alok that it would be great, if we could at least stand. The crowed varied from aged to kids, men to women, Officers to teachers, Friends to lovers and what not.


             Wait was over as Executive express pulled it's break on time. Diary, in that rush I didn't know how both of us had got into the train. It was breathtakingly rush. Passengers who were already sitting were cursing the rush which has just occurred. But among them I could notice some happy bench of people as well. They were, young guys feeling happy seeing at girls who were chipping in and vice versa. Fortunately me and Alok negotiated with the space where one among us could only place a leg at a time. I wondered how long that circus would go on. Seeing the struggle, perhaps understanding the trouble, a gentleman has allowed one among us to sit in an already packed seat. Finally I sat down as Alok stood properly with both legs properly  grounded.
   When the train started moving only, I could notice the people around me. But my attention immediately fell on the group of 3 who were sitting opposite to me. They were making all the noises of the world. The group consisted of a guy and 2 girls. They all would be around 23-24 years. I could not help myself overhearing them. Diary, what else you think would make my literally 'Tight' journey interesting. One girl and a guy were conversing in Malayalam and the other girl looked at her friends as if they were conspiring against her. I guess she is from North.
" Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... what the fuck is going on here !!!!!!. ". It was loud and perfectly pitched.
For a moment everyone in the train had become silent. It was that girl screaming at her friends. Her friends made her calm by giving her a ' Diary milk' [ Diary, now you got the reason behind the title of the post, eh?]. From there till Kannur it was really funny watching the way our 'Could be 23 year old KG girl behaved with her friends. I must say poor friends!!. Through out the journey they had to manage both their friend's kiddish behavior and the dirty looks of the fellow passengers [ Don't stare me like that Diary, I am not one among them]. Soon when the train reached Calicut, Alok bid me goodbye.  Train left from calicut at 9.30 and they started eating. I looked outside as if I was not at all watching the items came out of their bag. Diary, I was helpless!!. But soon I got disappointed seeing the apples and Biscuits of the world coming out. I decided to look at the darkness for a while. I regret that I had looked at it, when I was that hungry to eat something really heavy.
" Hey Nived, Gayathri, I am going to pull the emergency chain right now". It was our 'heroine' telling her friends.I looked at them as if I heard somebody had fixed a bomb in the train. But you know Diary, from that crazy girl you could always expect anything. Luckily her friends were sensible to stop her from the crazy mission. For them it caused just Rs.5 [ Yes Diary, That was another Diary Milk]. Had she pulled the emergency chain, It would be two or three hours delay to be home.
  Train was leaving Vadakara. It meant only few stations to reach Kannur. I was really happy that am home in hours to have something which is homely that, I had been missing like anything. But the fun was not over yet Diary!!
   Soon three of them were discussing about something. To avoid any unwanted situations like the early one, They chose English as the medium for the discussion. I was really proud at the level of realization of people in our part of the world. As I said, Climax was really funny and coincidental. I paid my full attention to what they were discussing as the name of the college IIPM came in between. It was our heroine the crazy 23 KG girl shouting at the boy that, " You expect a girl from IIPM to be that stupid? ". That boy seemed pissed off to solve the new situation, so as the other girl.
 I wondered whether IIPM has anything to do with her stupidity ;)
   Diary, Had that Bakery owner there, I would have shown him the long finger at his face, if not both. Anyway I felt pity at the quality of the Management students of the country's so called ' Fantastic Institute '. [ Look who is commenting Diary. Ahem ahem ]
  I must be thankful to Nived, Gayathri and the Unknown could be 23 year old KG sister whose name unfortunately never heard across the discussions, for making an eventful day of mine more colorful and much more eventful.

 11.00 pm

             Reached Kannur Railway Station. Had to catch up an auto to home.


          Home. Sweet Home :)
Had a quick shower and dinner. It took me another 30 minutes to explain about the Job, Office, Stay to my grandmothers[ Grandma and Grandfather's sister] and parents. I couldn't meet my bro to handover the 'Mithai Box' that I have brought for him as he was in deep sleep.

1.00 am, Thursday, 8th September.

            Off to sleep Diary. Goodnight. Yarns....

Thanks for your time and support.
May God bless all.
Sharath Muthirakkal.